Tal... Welcome To Schendi

Please feel free to make yourself at home. Schendi is known in Gor as a destination for travelers. So perhaps you'd like to set your bags down on the dock for a moment and have a look at the surroundings before you set off to find lodging or look for one of the port's fine taverns.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fourth Anniversary Celebration

Approaching Schendi's fourth anniversary in Second Life, I have yet to sway much from the conclusion that I reached in the beginning, right or wrong, that there are enough of certain things in SL Gor. Lag being a prime example! So, Schendi hopefully has been and will remain about those things perhaps less abundant. I invite people to come and look and perhaps discuss if they wish. Otherwise, I shall be about my business here. Upcoming in June, we hope to see a lot of friends at the Anniversary Celebration. This is one place to get details, so please keep an eye on this page. I wish the Free of Gor well...