Tal... Welcome To Schendi

Please feel free to make yourself at home. Schendi is known in Gor as a destination for travelers. So perhaps you'd like to set your bags down on the dock for a moment and have a look at the surroundings before you set off to find lodging or look for one of the port's fine taverns.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tal Goreans,

Happy Fourth Birthday to Schendi! Lots of new stuff going on. Check out the blog section on Schendi's Fourth Anniversary Celebration. We are really excited about "Schendi Heat" Dance Exhibition and Competition and the new blog pages which are dedicated to that. Preparations for the big event will start this weekend with the preliminaries at the Golden Kailiauk. The Schendi Tavern has a new look in preparation for the two rounds there, this Saturday and Sunday the 22nd and 23rd, 3 to 5pm slt. The theme is "Captured by the Askari". Six dancers will advance to the main event on June 5th. The best of luck to all, winners every one. It has been an education for us, dealing with dedicated and talented girls, a real pleasure. In particular, also, we are especially proud of the snapshots and writeups on the girls participating. Have a look when you get a chance!

The final round will take place in the new Dance Pavillion on Utufuku Square in the middle of Schendi. Utufuku means "Glory".

We are pleased to welcome Agamemnon Padar to Schendi. His combination of education and personable manner is a valued addition at this time. Plus he has volunteered some needed assistance with the Art Show on Saturday Morning of the Celebration. His knowledge of Gorean art is extensive and he is particularly interested in the school of art called Orientalism. If you don't know what that means, ask him. You may learn something new and find something worth exploring.

Just in, we will travel to the Port of Hydra in the week following our Anniversary here, for a showing of "A Slavegirl's Story". Something to look forward to after the big weekend. Promises to be a tight performance on a new sim with plenty of resources. Nice.

The Ancient City ruins got a makeover for the Dance on Saturday night of the Celebration. Nice to see. Don't forget, razi's compilation of jungle themed tunes are in store for us then and we'll dance and relax in the unique surroundings there on the shore of Lake Shaba above the Falls of Bila Huruma.