Tal... Welcome To Schendi

Please feel free to make yourself at home. Schendi is known in Gor as a destination for travelers. So perhaps you'd like to set your bags down on the dock for a moment and have a look at the surroundings before you set off to find lodging or look for one of the port's fine taverns.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Spring 2013

Tal Everybody

Just a word to let folks know that we remain your Gorean Tropical alternative in Second Life for what is now our seventh year. Visitors will find a few things on the Sim that look a little different while most of the familiar places remain. Goreans Portal Radio has us on the Amazing Anytimers List, and so you'll notice that a few radio shows originate from various locations on the sim.

 Shai remains a lag free, no drama zone, where a Gorean can make a home and build a personal Gorean paradise in the tropics.

We have had an inquiry or two about the play, A Slavegirl's Story. As yet, we are unable do a performance, but we plan to try it out soon and make a determination as to feasibility.

I wish you all well and see you in Schendi!
Varik Marat

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